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The Pick a Niche Kit

“I would absolutely recommend the kit and already have!

Pick-a-Niche Kit and it´s fantastic!

Completely burnt out from continually re-inventing the wheel and trying to be everything to everyone. I finally realized I needed to get clear on my ideal client, which meant I needed to pick a niche.

The kit has helped me identify a few target markets/areas I want to focus on.”

-Shannon E. O'Connor, freelance writer, Write through the Looking Glass, Tampa Bay, in business since 2010.

“I can recommend it without reservation, and I encourage you to download it today.

Designed exclusively for creative professionals, the Pick a Niche Kit is a step-by-step guide to unlocking the power of specialization. You’ll learn how focusing enables you to charge higher fees, get more satisfying work, establish a reputation that attracts ideal clients, and achieve greater success in less time.

These ideas aren’t just theories or blue sky speculations. Ilise backs up everything with real-world examples.

More importantly, Ilise deals with specialization as a process rather than a cold-turkey decision, explaining how to ease into it gradually.”

-Tom Tombusch, freelance copywriter, WordStreamCopy, Cincinnati, in business since 2002.

Buy the Get the Work You Want Evergreen Marketing Plan

“…each day I wake up and tackle what you prescribe. Sometimes the plan feels like a game and it's fun; other times it's like having you here to hold my hand through the stuff that terrifies me.”

-Marley K.

“I now have a day-by-day plan. Monday is researching prospects, Tuesday is for marketing, and so on. It’s helped me to be proactive – to promote myself, find work and clients on my own terms.”


“I am a London based fashion photographer. I have been shooting professionally for a few years but only went full time a year ago. Back then I was very lost and I needed a guidance for marketing my services as I had no idea of how to do this and, fortunately, I ran into your website and bought "The Creative Professional's MARKETING PLAN+ eCALENDAR" which soon became my self promotion bible!

I followed all your advice and even started my blog which helped me attract a lot of interest from people in the industry and I can say a year later that knowing about you and your marketing plan was one of the best things that has ever happened to me!

Nowadays my business is still a work in progress (but whose isn't?) and I feel very confident of my marketing strategy thanks to you. ”

-JC Candanedo.